Our podcast aims to inform our residents and the larger community on varying subjects. City Club of Eugene Oregon provides this podcast to build an informed public by providing facts and opinions on diverse civic matters. We’re also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and http://www.cityclubofeugene.org.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
TrackTown Meets the World Athletics Championships/Oregon22
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
The World Athletics Championships come to Eugene in 2022, and the numbers are staggering: 2,000 athletes, 6,500 hours of TV coverage, 1 billion people watching in 200 countries, and $52 million in direct spending. Plus, this Oregon22 event occurs in the U.S. for the first time. In this episode of the City Club of Eugene podcast, speakers talk about organizing the event, the impact on the community, and the way that "Oregon22" will present Eugene to the world.
Speakers include Jessica Massey, director of communications for Oregon22; Sarah Massey, CEO, World Athletics Championships/Oregon22; Stephanie Scafa, liaison, City of Eugene; Sasha Spencer, athlete and teams experience manager, World Athletics Championship/Oregon22; and Kari Westlund, president and CEO, Travel Lane County.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This episode was broadcast on Oct. 29, 2021)

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Responding to Fires in Western Oregon
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
What has caused the devastating fires in Western Oregon, and what can be done to prevent them in the future? The speakers in this City Club of Eugene podcast episode have ideas. Listen to Amanda Astor, policy manager for Oregon Associated Loggers; and Dr. John Bailey, professor of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management at Oregon State University.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers and slides, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This episode was broadcast on Oct. 22, 2021)

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
State of Immigrants: A New Look at the Immigrant Experience in Oregon
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
In this City Club of Eugene podcast episode, four authors of a study about immigrants in Oregon discuss their findings from a 2021 update to the original 2008 report. What has changed, what hasn't, and why?
Speakers include Dr. Robert Bussel, director of the University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center; Jose W. Melendez, assistant professor of planning for engaging diverse communities, University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management; Lisha Shrestha, executive director of Portland's Division Midway Alliance; and Daniel Tichenor, Philip H. Knight Chair of Social Science and director of the Wayne Morse Center's Program for Democratic Governance.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was recorded on Oct. 15, 2021)

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Modoc People: The Aftermath of Great Loss
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
After a campaign of extermination of indigenous people who occupied land that settlers and miners wanted, a group of Modoc people in northern California fought back. The Modoc were led by Captain Jack. The war became the most expensive the U.S. fought with Native Americans, and the Modoc people lost.
City Club of Eugene examines the war and its aftermath, and looks at a coming documentary about it. Speakers include Dr. Donald Dexter, a Eugene dentist and enrolled Modoc who is leading the documentary effort; and Christelle Auzus, the cinematographer for the documentary.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels, read a Eugene Weekly article or Auzus's post, or contribute to a fundraiser for the documentary.
(This program was produced on Oct. 8, 2021)

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Oregon’s “Excess Revenue”: The Kicker
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Every two years, Oregonians wonder if they'll receive a check from the state government because the actual tax revenue is two percent or more than the projected amount they paid. How well does this so-called "kicker" system work?
Two tax experts have given City Club of Eugene their contrasting viewpoints in "Oregon's 'Excess Revenue': Refund or Reinvest?" Listen to Eric Fruits, PhD, who is vice president of of research at Cascade Policy Institute; and Daniel Hauser, director of Strategic Policy Projects.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on Oct. 1, 2021.)

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Knight Campus
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
The University of Oregon's Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact has the potential to change the world through its research and discoveries. In this podcast episode, Robert Guldberg, vice president and executive director of Knight Campus, talks about the start of the program and what's coming.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers and slides, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on Sept. 24, 2021.)

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
The Future of Working From Home
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Does working from home work for the employee and the employer? The pandemic has created a real-time experiment in work-from-home life for some employees, but what about the future? We'll learn more from architects involved in the Workforce Project.
Our speakers are Howard Davis, University of Oregon professor of architecture; and Frances Holliss, professor and emeritus reader of architecture at London Metropolitan University.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on Sept. 17, 2021.)

Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Our Next Normal: Visions for Post-Pandemic Eugene
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
During the pandemic, people talk about getting back to "normal." What if this is an opportunity to create a new normal? We asked three community members for their visions of how Eugene could move toward an improved future.
Speakers include Joel Iboa, executive director of Oregon Just Transition Alliance; Vera Keller, associate professor of history at the University of Oregon; and Lyllye Reynolds-Parker, educator and civil rights activist.
Watch this episode, including questions and answers, on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on Sept. 10, 2021.)

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Prescription: Nature
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
How much time in nature do humans need? One of the speakers in this podcast episode recommends, "Get hot, get cold, get outside." Another recommends 120 minutes in a natural environment for at least 20 minutes each time. What about our children?
Speakers include Jared Hanley, founder of NatureQuant; Katie Lynch, co-director and instructor, University of Oregon's Environmental Leadership Program; and Christopher Minson, director of the UO's Human Cardiovascular Control Lab and co-director of the Exercise and Environmental Physiology Labs.
View Katie Lynch's slides about her team's outreach to elementary school students. Watch this episode on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on July 30, 2021.)

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Taking Care of Our Kids: Countering a Child Care Desert
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Oregon has the fourth-highest child care costs in the U.S. Even when parents can pay the high cost, quality care may not be available. In fact, Lane County has been named a child care desert, per an Oregon State University report. In this City Club of Eugene podcast episode, we'll learn more about the factors that create this dilemma.
Our speakers include Cindy Bellamy, director of the Oak Street Child Development Center in Eugene; Alyssa Chatterjee, acting director of the Oregon Department of Education's Early Learning Division; and Cheryl Henderson, manager of the Lane Community College's Lane Child and Family Center.
Watch this episode on City Club of Eugene’s YouTube or Facebook channels.
(This program was produced on July 23, 2021)